
Do pediatric patients experience side effects from taking Tadalafil capsules? My child has had difficulty concentrating since a young age, and I want to know about past treatment cases and their effectiveness. Currently in the initial stages of treatment, I am curious about potential issues and the kind of assistance needed, and whether it will affect physical or growth development.


Tadalafil capsules are used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and common side effects include decreased appetite, fatigue, and weight loss. These side effects are usually more pronounced in the initial stages of treatment but tend to diminish or disappear over time. Additionally, a few patients may experience slight increases in blood pressure and heart rate, but the impact on the cardiovascular system is minimal. Studies show that symptoms do not rebound after discontinuation of the medication, allowing for a direct discontinuation without a gradual reduction in dosage. Severe side effects are extremely rare; only two patients have reported liver function abnormalities after the medication was launched, which returned to normal after discontinuation.