
The child has had symptoms of runny nose, dry cough, vomiting, and diarrhea for a week, but has not had a high fever. Their stomach is not bloated, they are in good spirits, and they are able to eat and sleep well. They have less frequent and yellow urine, stools are yellow-green, occurring 3 to 4 times a day, and there is no change in weight. After the coughing stopped five days ago, they began to have dry vomiting and later started vomiting.


The child’s symptoms may be due to dyspepsia caused by a fever, possibly gastroenteritis, which is intestinal dysfunction caused by fever. It is recommended to give the child oral absorption aids such as Shanyao Jianpi Oral Liquid, while also using Huoxiang Decoction. Avoid overeating to let the stomach rest, and drink plenty of water. The best treatment method is intravenous infusion because oral medications may cause dry vomiting, especially for medications that are strongly reactive to the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is best to use antibiotics simultaneously. If left untreated, the condition may worsen. It is recommended to seek treatment. In terms of daily care, avoid eating difficult-to-digest, greasy, or extremely cold foods; congee is the best choice. The diet should be light, drink plenty of water to promote digestion and maintain adequate hydration.