
The six-month-old girl baby has no interest in various complementary foods and only wants to breastfeed, with a small appetite. Sleep and defecation are normal, and the weight gain is slow. At three months, the weight was 6 jin, and by six months, it only increased to 8 jin. The height has also stagnated. This situation has persisted since December 26 of last year.


If the baby is not extremely averse to complementary foods, you can first feed the complementary food when the baby is relatively hungry. Additionally, it is important to establish regular feeding times, feeding two times a day at fixed times. Avoid giving sweet foods or liquids two hours before feeding complementary foods to prevent reducing the baby’s appetite. Gradually increase the amount of complementary food, but do not force the baby to eat. It’s fine if the baby eats a little less or more during an occasional meal; what’s important is to maintain the baby’s interest in food and avoid psychological aversion to complementary foods. [“Nutrition and Health”, “Infant Feeding”]