
Why does my child always pass egg flower-like stools? Since birth, the child has been passing egg flower-like stools, but recently they have turned foamy. There’s also a very strong fishy smell! They pass stools 6-7 times a day. I’m seeking assistance: I want to know what could be causing this situation…


Hello, based on your description, we initially consider your baby’s condition to be related to nausea and vomiting. You can give them oral rehydration salts, which is a mixture of physiological saltwater and sugar, following the principle of small amounts given frequently. The mother must be patient and feed the baby every 6 to 8 minutes using a spoon to help alleviate their discomfort from dehydration. In necessary cases, hospital intravenous fluid replacement can be considered. Medications such as Dinggui Er Weitie, MamiAi, Huitong; or Silianda, Simida, etc., can be used. When preparing formula milk, remember to add water first, then mix in the powder. Additionally, you can add many chrysanthemum crystals to the formula milk. Moreover, pay attention to daily care and hygiene during feeding.