
An eight-month-old baby has been experiencing difficulty defecating for several days. Each time they have a bowel movement, they cry and fuss, and there is bleeding around the anus. The parents have tried using soap bars to help with defecation, but the baby cried and bled as a result. The parents are unsure of the exact cause of the bleeding and are seeking assistance.


Infant constipation can usually be resolved through the following methods: 1. Increase fluid intake; 2. For breastfed babies, the mother should adjust her diet structure, maintain a light diet, and drink plenty of water; 3. Perform clockwise abdominal massage on the baby twice a day, for 5-10 minutes each time; 4. If the baby has not defecated for a long time, use a children’s enema; 5. Feed more fruits and vegetable juices; 6. Control the speed and quantity of breastfeeding, and avoid overly concentrated formula milk. The soap bar defecation method uses the soap bar to stimulate the intestinal wall to promote defecation.