
A 5-year-old child wakes up two to three times at night to urinate and has frequent urination, but no other conscious symptoms. Sometimes they do not wake up at night. This condition started around the age of 5 and the cause is unknown. They have never received any treatment before. How should normal treatment be carried out, and what further treatment or examination is needed if there are any problems?


Considering the symptoms may be caused by neurogenic frequency. Suggestions: Parents should teach and encourage the child to extend the time between two voidings as much as possible, and record the longest time between two voidings each day. When the child makes progress, provide additional rewards in a timely manner. This encouragement can significantly improve the child’s condition, and most children will recover magically within a few months after treatment. Chlorpromazine is effective for treatment with fewer side effects than atropine and has a similar effect on the bladder.