
My child is three years old and has been diagnosed with adenoid hypertrophy. What should I do?


Adenoid hypertrophy is a common issue in children, which may cause nasal congestion, mouth breathing, and poor sleep quality. For children under one year old, this condition may be caused by repeated colds. Past treatments may not have been very effective, and parents might wonder if surgery, medication, or other methods can cure it. The adenoids, also known as palatine tonsils or adenoids, are located at the back of the nose and are lymphatic tissue at the top of the nasopharynx. They are present from birth and usually reach their largest size at around 6 years old, starting to shrink after 10 years. For adenoid hypertrophy, the most effective treatment method currently is the surgical removal of the adenoids, which has good results after surgery. Unfortunately, if a child has already developed an “adenoid face,” it is difficult to return to their original appearance. Therefore, it is important to treat your child early and not miss the best treatment window. May your child recover soon!