What should be done when a 5-month-old baby has epilepsy? The main symptoms include distress, sometimes with screams, and the baby may cling to adults. Sometimes there are spasms, and sometimes the head tilts to one side (it’s not consistent). The eyes become fixed and unconscious. The duration varies. Sometimes it’s a unilateral spasm. Sometimes it’s a full-body spasm. The longest seizure lasted for one hour before subsiding. After recovery, the baby becomes very hot and sweaty. The onset time and duration are not consistent. The longest seizure lasted for one hour, and the cause is unknown. Sometimes it feels like a seizure is imminent when the baby is happy or anxious.
It is recommended to treat epilepsy with traditional Chinese medicine methods. If Western medicine is used for long-term treatment of epilepsy, there can be significant side effects, especially liver and kidney damage in children. Treatment with traditional Chinese medicine has minimal side effects and almost no harm to the child. The key now is to control the child’s recurrence through treatment so that the child does not have another seizure, as each recurrence can be very disruptive to the child, especially harmful to brain cells.