
Defecation is quite difficult. Although I know I need to defecate, when I try, the stool gets stuck at the anal opening and cannot be released. This has been going on for four days. The past treatment and its effectiveness have not resulted in any other adverse symptoms. I hope to receive some assistance: Please provide some advice from a doctor and introduce several prescriptions.


  1. Vinegar Egg Therapy: Preparation: Place one egg in 180 milliliters of vinegar and soak for two days and two nights, then crack the shell and stir evenly, and then let it sit for four days before eating. Huanglong Soup: Take twice daily, 15 milliliters each time. Effectiveness: The medicine takes effect after one day, improves after seven days, and cures after fifteen days.
  2. Medication Therapy: Prescription: Fresh sweet potato leaves 500 grams, peanut oil 15 grams. Method of use: Add salt to a moderate amount, stir-fry until cooked, and eat twice daily. Effectiveness: Defecation becomes smooth after eating for seven days, and cures after fifteen days.
  3. Treatment for Habitual Constipation: Prescription: Poria 20 grams, radish seeds 20 grams, honey 200 grams. Method of use: Make into a paste according to the usual method, take 50 grams each time.