
What could be the reasons for a 2-month-old baby’s hair turning yellow?


Hair turning yellow in a 2-month-old can be due to a variety of factors, including different racial backgrounds, hereditary factors across generations, the content of trace elements (such as iron, lead, zinc, scandium, copper, palladium, nickel, etc.) in the hair, and the content of melanin in the hair follicles. It can also be related to specific diseases (such as phenylketonuria, kidney disease, etc.). Hair turning yellow might also be caused by an excessive intake of sugar, fats, or acidic substances in the diet, or a deficiency of certain trace elements (such as iron, copper, zinc). A copper deficiency may lead to a decrease in tyrosinase function, thereby disrupting the melanin metabolism; iron or zinc deficiencies may interfere with the growth and development of hair follicles, leading to yellow hair.