
My baby hasn’t had a bowel movement for several days. This situation started about a month after birth. Sometimes, I use traditional methods, like using a soap tip to stimulate, which usually helps the baby pass stool. The stool is not very dry, and sometimes it happens once or twice a day, but this is rare. Usually, help from an adult is needed to defecate. My baby is now three months old.


  1. When introducing solid food, for the treatment of constipation: Try giving vegetables puree, fruits, cornstarch, and oatmeal.
  2. Appropriately massage the abdomen: Massage the lower left abdomen; if you feel a string-like object, gently massage from top to bottom to help move stool upwards and out.
  3. Appropriately massage around the baby’s anus: This can stimulate physiological reactions and promote defecation.
  4. Appropriately exercise to promote the downward movement of stool and stimulate defecation.
  5. Artificial bowel movements: You can use mineral oil, glycerin suppositories, or small soap strips for bowel movements while training defecation habits (only for severe constipation).
  6. Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment: You can use Chinese herbs that clear heat, detoxify, and moisten intestines for defecation, but this should be done under a doctor’s guidance.