
The symptoms include nasal itching and aversion to cold, with onset during spring. The results of laboratory tests are not provided. Previous treatments included oral Cetirizine syrup, but symptoms recurred after discontinuation. The characteristics of chronic rhinitis are inflammation of the nasal mucosa and submucosal layer.


Chronic rhinitis is divided into two types: chronic simple rhinitis and chronic hypertrophic rhinitis. 1. Chronic Simple Rhinitis: Use 1% ephedrine physiological saline drops in the nose, or take four tablets of Rhinitis-Kang three times a day, or two to three doses of Rhinitis-Ning syrup daily. 2. Chronic Hypertrophic Rhinitis: Perform isolation treatment on the inferior turbinate and use 5% sodium fish liver oil acid for anesthetic sclerosis treatment every two weeks, for a total of 2 to 3 times. In addition, cold freezing or laser treatment can be adopted.