
The main symptoms are a feeling of stiffness in the anal area during urination, small bowel movements each time, and not too dry stools. These symptoms have been ongoing for a year. The results of tests and detailed examinations show no abnormalities. What were the past treatment situations and effects?


Vomiting is common in infants under 8 months old, especially those with a chubby build, which may be accompanied by eczema. Vomiting may appear soon after birth, with increased frequency of loose stools but good appetite, without dry heaves or other symptoms, and without affecting growth and development. Physiological diarrhea is a normal phenomenon in some infants and is not a disease; it does not require medication. Additionally, if your baby is breastfed, breastfed babies tend to have more frequent bowel movements than formula-fed babies; some formula-fed babies may only have 1-2 bowel movements a day, while breastfed babies may have up to four or five bowel movements a day, and the stools are softer.