
Experiencing unintentional swaying while sitting or standing, onset in early November 2009, no abnormalities were found through tests and examinations. Details of past treatments and outcomes are unknown, seeking solutions.


In seniors, involuntary swaying of limbs and head may be due to internal movement of liver wind. Treatment should focus on kidney nourishment, as the liver and kidney are interconnected. Seniors tend to have weakened liver and kidney, so it is even more important to pay attention to warming kidney yin and calming liver wind. It is recommended to first rule out the possibility of cerebrovascular accidents or prodromes, which can be done through a head CT or MRI. Additionally, if the swaying is caused by cervical spine issues, a cervical spine examination is also necessary. Treatment-wise, taking liver and kidney tonifying herbs and combining them with therapies such as acupuncture can be considered.