
Why does a newborn’s sclera turn blue? The original color of the sclera was slightly blue, but recently, the color has become much deeper and very noticeable. Both my daughter and I have this condition. If this is a disease, how should we carry out comprehensive prevention and treatment?


Under normal circumstances, the conjunctiva of the eyes does not appear blue. If the conjunctiva turns blue, it may be a symptom of iron deficiency anemia. When the body lacks iron, the conjunctiva becomes thin, making the underlying vascular layer more prominent, thus giving the eyes a bluish appearance. If the iron deficiency persists, it may lead to iron deficiency anemia. It is recommended that you visit a hospital as soon as possible for a detailed examination and develop a treatment plan based on the results of the examination. In daily life, you should eat more iron-rich foods and pay attention to a balanced diet.