
My child is in high school this year, and because of occasional comments from classmates about smelling bad, he/she began to suspect that he/she might emit an unpleasant odor without realizing it. This suspicion has expanded into a belief in phantom smells, but the parents have not noticed any unusual odor. What was the previous treatment situation and effect? How can we help the child overcome this psychological state?


This situation is not phantom smells, but rather nasal allergy. The putrid smell that is perceived is actually the odor emitted by the putrefactive bacteria in the nasal secretions. The following methods can be used to restore the nose and alleviate the nasal allergy, which also helps to prevent fever. If you feel mucus, crusts inside your nose, or a sensation of foreign body in the nasopharynx that cannot be swallowed, or if there is nasal discharge when eating hot food, use this method.