
The 5-month-old baby has mucus in the throat, which has lasted for about 7.8 days. After taking medicine, the coughing symptoms improved, but there is still a sound of mucus. What should be done?


Based on the information you provided, the baby may have bronchitis, which causes coughing and mucus symptoms. It is recommended that you take the baby to the hospital for a thorough examination and follow the treatment guidance of the doctor. In daily life, pay attention to the baby’s diet and let the baby drink more water to strengthen care and avoid exacerbating the condition. You can also give the baby vitamin C and use sensitive antibiotics to treat infections. If there is a lot of mucus, you can use Mucinex or Xian Zhu Lixie drugs and accompany it with ultrasonic therapy. Following the doctor’s instructions usually improves the condition. This is provided for reference.