The baby has had diarrhea for ten days now, and even after taking probiotics, there has been no improvement. The stool has been tested, but the medication treatment has not been effective. I don’t know how to handle the situation. The baby’s appetite and energy levels are generally normal.
If you notice that the baby has persistent diarrhea, it is recommended to carefully examine the stool sample to determine whether it is due to indigestion or enteritis. At the same time, be aware of any factors such as fever that could lead to intestinal dysfunction. If it is indigestion, consider givingJianpi San oral liquid or Montmorillonite powder for treatment. If the symptoms are severe, see a doctor immediately and undergo intravenous treatment. Additionally, reduce the frequency of changing diapers to allow the gastrointestinal tract to rest. Increase fluid intake, and if you are providing complementary foods, temporarily stop or reduce the provision of complementary foods until the symptoms subside and then gradually resume. Especially avoid eating hard-to-digest foods.