
A 3-month-old baby has been suffering from diarrhea, initially passing watery stools and later on, curd-like feces. The baby had been taking medication prescribed by a doctor, which temporarily improved the diarrhea, but after switching to milk powder and rice porridge as the main diet, the baby experienced diarrhea again, with curd-like stools and accompanied by incoherent babbling. After taking the medication again, the diarrhea stopped, but the baby started babbling incoherently again. What could be the cause of this, and what kind of assistance is needed?


Based on the description, the baby’s symptoms may be due to dyspepsia, a condition caused by gastrointestinal motility disorders, often resulting from exposure to cold or unclean food. It is recommended to give Simeticon and Baby Digestive Tonic, along with dietary adjustments. Reduce the intake of milk powder and offer millet congee, drinking only the soup (you can add a small amount of salt or sugar), but avoid eating the millet itself. This provides nutrition while also helping the gastrointestinal tract to recover. At the same time, ensure abdominal warmth and avoid catching a cold. Following these methods, the baby’s diarrhea should improve quickly.