
My daughter is four years old. She has a sore throat, accompanied by a slight cough and fever. She has tonsillitis. What dietary precautions should I take?


When a child has tonsillitis, it is recommended to take them to a doctor for examination and treatment as soon as possible. In terms of diet, it is best to opt for light and easy-to-digest foods. Vegetables and fruits are good choices, as they are rich in vitamins that help boost the immune system. However, avoid overly cold fruits and choose fruits like apples and kiwis that have a neutral nature. Additionally, you can give your child easily digestible foods such as thin porridge or soft noodles. At the same time, avoid stimulating food like spicy, hot pot, as well as foods that may cause allergic reactions such as beef, mutton, and seafood. Helping your child develop good eating and living habits will aid in their quick recovery.