
A one-year-old child has an enuresis problem, with just a slightly wet diaper during the day. At night, bedwetting occurs frequently. Previous treatment attempts and outcomes: tried various methods, but none were effective. Seeking assistance: how can it be cured naturally.


In general, one-year-old children will no longer wet the bed by the time they reach three years of age. If bedwetting occurs frequently, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a thorough examination to determine if there are any diseases or physiological defects. If it is not due to illness but rather habitual bedwetting, it is important to identify the cause and help correct it; do not scold loudly to harm the child’s self-esteem. It is recommended to consider using traditional Chinese medicine Zhen Quan Shu for treatment, which can be tried on the child. Wishing the baby good health and happiness!