
The 8-month-old baby has had a high fever for two consecutive days, mainly with low-grade fever, and vomits after eating. There is occasional swelling in the heart area, and the baby’s mental state is relatively good, but the diarrhea is severe. How should parents handle this situation? They have previously used fever-reducing medicine Meilin and antiemetic medicine, but the symptoms have recurred, and parents are worried about the long-term use of fever-reducing medicine affecting the condition. Why does the child continue to have a high fever? Are there better treatment methods?


The continuous fever in a baby may be caused by infectious diseases. It is recommended to seek immediate medical attention for an accurate diagnosis and symptomatic treatment. During the treatment process, fever-reducing medications and appropriate antibiotic treatments can be administered, along with attention to rest and fluid intake. If symptoms persist or worsen, return to the hospital for re-examination and adjust the treatment plan under the guidance of a doctor.