
My son may have Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. What special precautions should be taken? What medications can be used? Are there any medications that might affect the child? If so, what precautions should be taken? What were the past treatment situations and outcomes? What should be done if blisters suddenly increase in number? What kind of assistance am I hoping to receive? Are there any ointments available for swelling and pain relief?


Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is a common pediatric illness that often affects children under the age of 5, presenting with blisters on the hands, feet, and mouth, and sometimes leading to complications. Parents should closely monitor their child’s condition and look out for any discomfort beyond the rash. Typically, this disease does not require topical medication; it is recommended to seek medical attention promptly and follow the doctor’s instructions for medication. Bed rest may be necessary. Traditional Chinese medicine can be used if needed.