How much water should a 2-month-old baby drink each day? My daughter doesn’t drink enough water—less than the recommended 200 milliliters; her urine is yellow; and she refuses to drink. Previous treatment and outcomes: none; desired assistance: daily water intake, including the water content in fruits and formula milk?
For children aged 7-12 months, let them drink as much as they want; for children aged 1-3 years, they should drink 600-1000 milliliters directly each day. You can estimate this using the following method: according to our country’s “Resident Drinking Water Reference Intake Standard,” 0.9 liters for children aged 6 months to 1 year, and 1.3 liters for children aged 1 to 4 years. This amount of water refers to all the water obtained through different channels in a day. The mother can first subtract the baby’s milk intake for the day, excluding the water intake from complementary foods, such as how much water is used when mixing baby rice powder, or how much water is used when making vegetable puree or meat puree. The remaining amount is the additional water that needs to be digested daily.