
My newborn is 15 days old and has diarrhea symptoms. What should I do? The mother was hospitalized for a week, during which she fed the baby formula. After discharge, she switched to breastfeeding. Two days ago, the mother ate seafood, and then the newborn developed diarrhea symptoms again. The stool is yellow and loose, with red and swollen perianal area. There is often a gurgling sound during breastfeeding, which was not present before. What could be the issue? How should it be treated?


It is advisable to avoid eating seafood during breastfeeding as it contains high protein which may trigger an allergic reaction in the baby. Redness and swelling around the anus can be treated with a moist burn ointment applied externally. Breastfed newborns usually have stool that is golden yellow, loose, and pastyin texture, without a peculiar odor, but may have a slightly sour taste, along with small white dots like pepper seeds. The frequency of bowel movements is typically 2 to 4 times a day. In the early days of life, bowel movements may be more frequent, up to 4 to 5 times a day, or even after each diaper change, as breast milk is easily digested and absorbed, facilitating excretion.