My child has been running a high fever since April 5th, with no relief from using Jinlian Qingre Bubble Tablets and Ceftizone Dispersible Tablets. The fever remains above 39 degrees Celsius. Taking Meloxicam Suspension only provides temporary relief. Last night at midnight, I sought medical attention again, receiving an injection of 200ml of glucose and sodium chloride, two vials of Cefoperazone Newtaining, and the addition of aspirin. However, by 3 AM when I got home, the fever persisted, and my child started bleeding from the nose. The temperature has now risen again to above 39 degrees Celsius. I am very worried. What should I do?
Consider using Paracetamol as it has minimal side effects and is effective. Suggestions: If the low-grade fever exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, consult a doctor immediately to determine if it is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Viral infections can be treated with antiviral medication ribavirin. These are my suggestions for dealing with a child’s persistent low-grade fever. I hope this helps and wish you health!