
A 6-year-old child frequently feels pain below the navel, which has been ongoing for two months. The symptoms are mild and usually resolve quickly, but recently, after eating at school, the child has vomited and experienced severe abdominal pain. Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosed it as an intestinal problem, and the symptoms improved after taking medication, but the pain returned after the effect of the medicine wore off, located about an inch below the navel. Similar abdominal pain had also occurred during a fever, when the doctor explained it as being caused by the fever. What could this be?


Based on your description, abdominal pain in children can be caused by various reasons, including fever, enteritis, indigestion, or parasitic infections. It is recommended that you take your child to the hospital for a detailed examination, especially to rule out possibilities of mesenteric lymphadenopathy or gastritis. During the acute phase, anti-inflammatory treatment should be conducted, and appropriate antispasmodic medications should be used. Additionally, you can try using Huoxiang powder. It is advised to avoid consuming cold and spicy foods and to take precautions against fever.