
Does a baby who started playing with their tongue at eight months old need treatment?


A baby has been shaking their head frequently since ten months old. There has been no visit to the hospital, no allergies, and no hereditary issues from previous generations. Does this situation require treatment? What precautions should be taken if a baby keeps shaking their head? Rickets, also known as calcium deficiency, is a common condition in infancy and is caused by a deficiency in vitamin D leading to disordered calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body, resulting in poor bone fibrosis. Initial symptoms include mental symptoms such as restlessness, easy to be startled, excessive sweating, and bald spots on the pillow. In severe cases, it can lead to skeletal deformities. It commonly occurs in children under two years old, so parents should take early preventive measures against rickets. Healthcare treatment is needed, which includes supplementing the baby with calcium and vitamin D.