
My child is four months old and has a slight fever. They have been in good health until now. They had a slight fever in the morning. Previous treatment and effectiveness: None. What assistance am I seeking? Can I receive some good treatment suggestions without going to the hospital?


Based on the description, I understand the situation. The baby has a slight fever, which is not a bad thing; a slight fever in children is a sign of their immune system fighting back. As long as the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees and the duration is not too long, there’s no need to worry. Suggestions: Observe carefully and ensure the baby stays warm. If the baby only has a slight fever, there’s no need to go to the hospital, and medication should be avoided if possible. If the temperature is below 38 degrees, start with physical cooling methods, and only resort to fever-reducing medication if the temperature does not come down. It’s not recommended to take a baby with only a slight fever to the hospital as they are more susceptible to cross-infection. As long as the baby can eat, drink, play, and sleep, there’s no need to worry.