
A seven-month-old baby fell from a stool approximately 40 centimeters high. After the fall, the baby cried loudly, and after being held and comforted for about 1-2 minutes, the crying stopped. The baby’s face and lips turned pale and lethargic, appearing disoriented and wanting to sleep. After seven minutes, the baby’s complexion gradually returned to normal. When played with, the baby would smile, and it seemed that everything was normal. Should we go to the hospital in this situation?


Based on the symptoms described, it is suspected that the baby may have been traumatized by the fall. Recommendation: In the growth process of infants and young children, accidents cannot be completely avoided, but children have a stronger self-repair ability within their bodies. For a baby who has fallen off a stool, it is recommended to continuously observe their condition. If symptoms such as vomiting, loss of appetite, or lethargy are observed, seek immediate medical attention for a specialist diagnosis to avoid missing the treatment window. I hope the above explanation satisfies your inquiry.