
A three-year-old boy has had frequent tonsillitis since childhood, accompanied by the appearance of map-like tongue coating on his tongue. He has previously received traditional Chinese medicine treatment and intravenous injections, but the condition has recurred. Seeking more effective treatment methods.


Tonsillitis is relatively common in children and is usually caused by streptococcal infection. Map tongue is a symptom of abnormal spleen and stomach function. In daily life, it is encouraged to have the child drink plenty of water, maintain hygiene, and prevent fever. The tonsils are the first line of defense in the body, and once inflammation occurs, it needs to be closely monitored to prevent the condition from worsening to bronchitis or pneumonia. For map tongue, good dietary habits should be cultivated to improve spleen and stomach function. Here is a small home remedy that I often use in treating children: use 2 grams of yam, 1 gram of chicken gizzards, 1 gram of hawthorn, 2 grams of stir-fried white peony root, and 1 gram of amomum villosum. Grind these into powder and administer for consumption.