
My baby is over 20 days old and is currently experiencing severe milk reflux. She spits up immediately after eating, and after vomiting, she wants to eat again. Even after burping, she needs to wait for half an hour before she can sleep. She drinks 50 milliliters of milk at one time, sometimes only 20 or 25 milliliters. At night, she needs to be fed 6 to 7 times, which is very tiring, and I am very worried. What should I do? Please help me.


Milk reflux in newborns is a common occurrence and does not require excessive concern. This is because newborns have a horizontal stomach position and a relaxed lower esophageal sphincter, making it easy for them to reflux milk when they intake too much. As the child grows older, the stomach gradually becomes vertical, and the muscle strength of the lower esophageal sphincter increases, reducing the occurrence of milk reflux. It usually stops around 7 to 8 months old. To prevent milk reflux or vomiting, parents need to adopt correct feeding methods, such as holding the baby at an angle during breastfeeding, avoiding lying down to feed; when using a bottle, the size of the nipple hole should be appropriate, and the milk temperature should not be too hot or too cold, and air intake should be avoided.