
My one-year-old baby has abdominal pain. He had an irregular diarrhea yesterday, cried all night, vomited after drinking milk, then fell asleep. This morning, he has a slight fever and is sometimes crying and restless. What should I do? What was the previous treatment and its effectiveness? What kind of help do I need: what medication should I give him?


If the baby experiences further bowel problems such as vomiting, accompanied by dry heaves and low-grade fever, consider gastrointestinal dysfunction or enteritis. It is suggested to reduce the diet, temporarily stop complementary feeding, and if vomiting is severe, fasting for 12-24 hours may be necessary. You can take Mommy Love and Simida to protect the gastrointestinal mucosa and regulate digestion. If there is no improvement within 3-5 days, medical consultation for routine stool tests is recommended. If the abdominal pain is severe, an abdominal MRI scan should be done to diagnose for inflammation, and anti-inflammatory and antiviral treatment will be needed if inflammation is present.