What should I do for a 4-year-old and 3-month-old child with acute upper respiratory tract infection? The illness has lasted for 3 days with symptoms of high fever, up to 39.2 degrees Celsius, cough, and phlegm that cannot be coughed up. Blood tests show a neutrophil count of 68.3, lymphocyte ratio of 20.5, monocyte ratio of 11.1, and absolute neutrophil count of 5.33. Previous treatment and effectiveness: taken azithromycin, ceftriaxone, Lianqiao, pediatric antipyretic oral liquid. Seeking assistance: do I absolutely need intravenous treatment? If antibiotics are necessary, which ones have fewer side effects on the child? Thank you.
You don’t need to worry; if there are still symptoms like fever and cough, this is still an indication of infection. Stay hydrated and consider taking some sensitive medications to observe the effects. What is the white blood cell count? It is recommended to use some sensitive cephalosporin antibiotics along with pulmonary drugs such as Guazijin granules. If the condition recurs, it is advisable to use more sensitive medications for intravenous treatment, such as Xiyanping combined with ceftriaxone antibiotics.