
A parent asks about their 8-month-old child who has been making a persistent coughing sound in the throat since birth. The child is in good health overall, but the throat sound has been persistent. Previous treatment and its effects include the use of amoxicillin and lung-clearing medications. The parent wants to know what is causing this and how to resolve the issue.


It is recommended that parents first consider whether the child’s throat sound is due to phlegm. They should take the child to the hospital for further examination, including routine blood tests and C-reactive protein tests. Additionally, the doctor may perform percussion to determine if there are wheezing or rales. If phlegm in the throat is confirmed, treatment with antibiotics may be required, and the child may need to take ambroxol syrup. Giving the child a small amount of warm water after feeding at night can also be helpful. I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you.