
My child, who is 3 weeks and 6 days old, mistakenly took World Fortune pediatric medication three times, one pill each time, and took it one extra time. Is this an overdose, and will it have an impact on the child’s physical health? My son has had a fever for 3 weeks and 6 days, which is not severe; he just has a runny nose and cough. The doctor prescribed five medications, one of which is World Fortune. The other four are taken three times a day. I didn’t notice, so I also gave him World Fortune three times, one pill each time, and continued to take it for two consecutive days!


World Fortune is Cefixime. For children, the recommended dose is 1.5-3mg/kg (body weight) per dose, twice a day. For severe patients, the dose can be up to 6mg/kg per dose, twice a day. So, its safety range is still quite large. According to your description, there should be no interference with the baby at all. I suggest you give your baby more warm water to drink to promote metabolism. Pay attention to the doctor’s instructions or the medication instructions for future medication.