
My 9-month-old daughter has been consistently passing green stools, accompanied by milk curds and a sticky consistency, up to five or six times a day. We have been giving her Bifidobacterium Triple Live Bacterial Capsules and Yiyacha Jianpi Gelling, but the symptoms have not improved. Sometimes she also has a high fever. I would like to know what this might be, and what medication should she take?


Based on the information provided, the baby’s symptoms may be due to dyspepsia. It is recommended to give the child Changlekang, pepsin, and babyJianpi San powder, along with dietary adjustments. Reduce the intake of milk and cook millet congee for the child, drinking only the soup and not consuming the millet itself. This is both nutritious and can help with digestion. These measures should soon show results, wishing the baby a speedy recovery. Please note that the above content is for illustrative purposes only and should be handled according to the original data and specific requirements in practice.