
My baby is two years old and has started having diarrhea since yesterday. There are no other discomfort symptoms. How can I determine if the diarrhea is due to cold exposure?


Diarrhea in children can often be attributed to indigestion. You may consider using Simmered Four Herbs Oral Liquid for relief. The baby’s nausea and vomiting are often functional, meaning they are caused by intestinal dysfunction. You can use multi-enzyme tablets, lactobacillus tablets, and cross-linked vitamin B to help regulate the child’s intestinal function and achieve a therapeutic effect. Medications should be taken as prescribed, and it’s important to keep the abdomen warm. You can give the child some rice porridge and switch to a milk formula that may cause vomiting. Additionally, oral rehydration salts can be taken to prevent dehydration. Usually, improvement can be expected within one week.