
A six-and-a-half-month-old baby boy has developed redness and swelling on the inner side of his thighs and bottom. After applying red mold ointment, his bottom condition improved slightly, but the thigh area has not seen any improvement and seems to be spreading. The baby does not use diapers during the day, only at night, and disposable diapers are used. He had previously tried a perfect brand aloe vera gel, but it was ineffective. What methods can be used to cure this condition?


The baby’s symptoms are likely due to dermatitis caused by the disposable diapers, and active treatment is needed. It is suggested to gently apply the liquid from a rectal suppository to the affected areas, as the glycerin it contains has a nourishing effect on the skin. This method can help improve the redness and swelling on the inner side of the baby’s thighs.