
My baby likes to eat codfish, is that okay? If my baby dislikes codfish, is it okay to eat it twice a week? What does it mean when it says that when eating fish, one should not eat other fruits? Does it mean not to eat them at the same time, or even not to eat fruits after eating fish?


Codfish has tender meat, few bones, high fat content, delicious taste, and high nutritional value. Its protein, fat, calcium, and phosphorus content ranks second among river fish. Any food should not be consumed in excess, as overeating may lead to digestive discomfort in children. Fruits are not recommended to be eaten after meals because eating fruit after a meal may cause it to stay in the stomach, leading to symptoms such as bloating and constipation, and may interfere with the absorption and digestion of food. It is suggested to eat fruits 2 hours after a meal or 1 hour before a meal.