
My son is 11 years old, with a thin build and a pale complexion. Recently, I’ve noticed he has been lying. I’m not sure what the cause is? We’ve taken him to a pediatric clinic before, where the doctor said he has mild ADHD and prescribed medication. However, there’s no family history of this condition. I want to know what I should do and what I can do to help him?


A child with a thin build, pale complexion, and behaviors such as lying and hyperactivity may require consideration of malnutrition, deficiencies in trace elements, and the normality of liver function. It is recommended to take the child to the hospital for blood tests, including those for ultra-nutrients and trace elements, to determine the cause of the problem and receive targeted treatment. For lying behaviors, parents should communicate patiently with their child and pay attention to their psychological state. These are suggestions for dealing with the causes and coping methods of a 11-year-old child who is thin, pale, and has a tendency to lie. I hope this helps you, wishing you health!