
Can parents with A and B blood types have a baby with O-type blood?


Parents with A and B blood types can have a baby with O-type blood. Blood types, such as A, B, and O, are determined by three genetic factors. Based on the parents’ blood types, it is possible to predict the blood type of the baby. For parents with A and B blood types, their baby can have A, B, AB, or O blood type. Therefore, there is no need to worry about having the wrong child. If there is still doubt, a formal paternity test can be conducted. Is it possible for parents with A and B blood types to have an O-type baby? Hello, parents with A and B blood types can indeed have an O-type baby. If the father is A-type and the mother is B-type, the baby can be O-type. If someone suspects that the child has been switched, what kind of help is needed: Do not worry, this situation is possible in medicine. Most blood types are determined by the combination of three genetic factors: A, B, and O. Generally, based on the blood types of the parents and their direct relatives, it can be predicted that the child’s blood type may be A, B, AB, or O. So there is no need to worry about having the wrong child. If you are not sure, you can undergo a systematic paternity test.