
There are several rings of small, meaty lumps near the base of my tongue, close to the tonsil area, and they are only on the right side, not on the left. These lumps are located below the tonsil. What could this be, doctor?


Based on the description, an initial judgment is that it may be lymph follicle hyperplasia at the base of the tongue or a tonsil neoplasm, such as a tonsil papilloma. If it is lymph follicle hyperplasia, it may be accompanied by symptoms like a sensation of a foreign body in the throat or pharyngeal itching, and symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication can be taken, such as Yiqing Capsule. If it is a tonsil papilloma, it usually requires surgical treatment. If there are no obvious abnormal symptoms, it can be observed first. If the lumps decrease in size, they should be examined by an otolaryngology department promptly to clarify the diagnosis and treatment. I hope my response is helpful to you.