
Does eating Wensai Yang’er Granules have side effects for children who have been bedwetting continuously for a month? Have side effects been reported from eating Wensai Yang’er Granules? Previous rescue situations and effects: None Assistance needed: Does eating Wensai Yang’er Granules for a month have side effects for bedwetting children?


It is necessary to rule out the possibility of latent spina bifida in a 3-year-old child who is bedwetting. An abdominal X-ray should be performed to clarify. If it is confirmed to be latent spina bifida, treatment may not be necessary, as the spine fissure can heal spontaneously as the child grows taller. If the examination shows no abnormalities, medication treatment is required. Wensai Yang’er Granules are used for children with weak spleen and stomach, leading to anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, thirst, nocturnal enuresis, and crying at night. They need to be taken continuously for 1-3 months and are a traditional Chinese medicine preparation with no side effects. It is safe to take them. It is recommended to undergo an abdominal X-ray to confirm the presence of latent spina bifida before deciding on whether medication treatment or observation is needed.