
The baby seems to dislike breastfeeding, whether it’s formula or breast milk, and only wants to eat when it’s time to sleep. A mild calcium deficiency was found during a previous check-up, but after supplementation, the trace element test showed no calcium deficiency, but a zinc deficiency and abnormal alkaline phosphatase levels. The baby is also prone to being startled, has restless sleep, wakes up when placed down during the day, and only sleeps when held. Additionally, the baby’s back of the head has not grown hair since the navel hair was shaved after the first month, sweats a lot, and is also prone to being startled. What medication should the baby take, vitamin D supplementation or calcium supplementation?


The baby is now three and a half months old. Based on the symptoms you described, it may be due to improper diet and weakened spleen and stomach leading to poor sleep at night and decreased appetite. It is recommended to give the baby Xingpi Yang’er Granules to stimulate appetite, nourish blood, calm the mind, and stop diarrhea. This medication is mainly used to treat children’s anorexia, vomiting, diarrhea, irritability, thirst, and enuresis caused by weakened spleen and stomach.