
Lately, the baby has been very unhappy while drinking milk. I don’t know why. He wants to drink but when he takes a few sips, he spits it out. He then gets eager to drink again, takes a few sips, and then spits it out again. His body arches backward while drinking, and he twists his head around. I’m not sure what the cause is. He doesn’t act this way when breastfeeding, but my milk supply is low, so I have to supplement with formula. I’ve checked his mouth and there are no issues like thrush or ulcers. The milk is neither too hot nor too cold. I’m not sure if it’s due to his stomach. However, he’s been drinking Mommy’s Love formula all along, and I feel like he has a bit of tummy trouble. He has a small pimple under his chin, and his face looks a bit like eczema. I’ve been washing him promptly to prevent eczema from developing. He behaves better when he’s hungry and eats more readily without much twisting. That’s the basic situation. I would like to know why the baby is acting this way. Thank you in advance for the expert advice.


If the baby has had gastrointestinal diseases in the past, it may be due to incomplete recovery of gastrointestinal function leading to dyspepsia. Additionally, the baby’s stomach and throat have not yet matured, making it easy for air to be inhaled during feeding. It is recommended to ensure that the baby’s mouth completely covers the nipple while breastfeeding to prevent air from entering. When using a bottle, make sure the milk fills the entire nipple to avoid air intake. If these methods are ineffective, it is advisable to have the baby examined at a hospital.