
A 17-month-old baby is in good spirits during the day and has a normal dinner, but they repeatedly have fevers at night. The past medical treatment and its effects are as follows: After a blood test at the hospital, it was suspected that the baby might have a viral infection or a bacterial infection, but neither was severe. However, the baby still has repeated fevers at night. What could be the cause of this?


Based on the provided information, the cause of the baby’s repeated nighttime fevers may include viral or bacterial infections. The best approach is to identify the cause and conduct symptomatic treatment. It is important to closely monitor the baby’s mental state, complexion, appetite, and deep sleep. If any abnormalities are detected, medical attention should be sought immediately. If the temperature is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, physical cooling methods can be used, and the baby should be encouraged to drink more water. If the temperature is above 38.5 degrees Celsius, fever-reducing medication may be necessary. Please note that the format provided here is for illustrative purposes only and should be adjusted according to the input content. If you need actual output results, you will need to provide specific input content. If you require more detailed assistance, please provide complete input content or a detailed description of your requirements.