
A 7-year-old child frequently blinks without any apparent reason. How can this behavior be corrected? The child had also exhibited similar behavior while watching cartoons, which was easily corrected after reminders. However, since the child started kindergarten and frequently cries, the blinking behavior has reappeared and has persisted for several weeks. Despite constant reminders, the child becomes more tense when others are watching, covering their eyes with their hands and refusing to be looked at, causing great concern for the parents.


This symptom may be caused by pediatric tics. Symptoms of pediatric tics include blinking, furrowing eyebrows, wrinkling the nose, sticking out the tongue, licking the lips, nodding, shaking the head, shrugging shoulders, and snapping fingers, among others. It is recommended to undergo a brain examination as it could be a habitual action. If it is diagnosed as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), symptomatic treatment is necessary, and haloperidol can be used. Wishing you good health.