
What nutrients should premature babies supplement? My baby is 30+6 weeks premature and has experienced intracranial hemorrhage on the right side. The hospital has prescribed lysine B12 to be taken three times a day. When the baby was 54 days old, they went to a growth and development clinic for a check-up, and the doctor said the baby’s complexion showed signs of anemia, and prescribed a Qi-supplementing oral liquid and Yibai’an’s whey protein. In addition to DHA and vitamin D, I also gave the baby cod liver oil. Is it appropriate to supplement these nutrients together, and is there a risk of overdosing?


Based on the information you provided, your child is premature and has experienced intracranial hemorrhage. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Lysine B12 is beneficial for nourishing brain cells and can be continued for several months.
  2. Full-term infants should start taking vitamin A and D within 14 days after birth until they are 1.5 years old; calcium supplements like calcium gluconate oral solution or Gaidixin can be taken intermittently. Premature infants need to start taking vitamin A and D supplements earlier.
  3. It is advisable to start taking iron, folic acid, and vitamin E as soon as possible to ensure the baby safely passes through the physiological anemia period at 2 to 3 months old.