
The one-and-a-half-year-old baby was diagnosed with EBV infection on the 19th and recovered after a week of hospitalization. After returning home, the baby was in good condition. However, on the 28th, the baby’s body temperature rose to 37.5 degrees Celsius, accompanied by coughing. How should this be handled?


Hello, based on the information you provided, your baby may have developed an upper respiratory infection due to increased body resistance, manifesting as fever, cough, and phlegm. Recommendations: You can give your baby roxithromycin and ambroxol tablets, and encourage them to drink plenty of warm water. If the body temperature does not exceed 38 degrees Celsius, you can temporarily avoid using fever-reducing medication. The diet should consist mainly of light and easily digestible foods, avoiding cold, hard, or spicy and other irritating foods. You can eat more pears or drink pear water cooked with rock sugar, as pears have the effect of moistening the lungs and clearing the lungs. You can also perform nebulizer inhalation. Be sure to keep warm,